Understand Your Blades & Assets

Measure | Analyse | Optimise

What We Do


Lab quality sensors

  • Low cost​

  • Reliable​

  • Easy and fast to install​



Physics based & machine learning tools


  • Changes in blade dynamics/structure​

  • Damage inducing conditions​

  • fatigue accumulation​


  • Blade movement ​
    (Azimuth, flex, twist and resonance)​


  • Behaviour over time​

  • Against other blades/turbine/fleet​



Actionable insights

  • Providing visibility in the field only usually available on test blades​

  • Informing and guiding interventions at site​

  • Informing blade/turbine life extension

What we have detected

  • Rotor Behaviour

    Blade behaviour can be shown throughout the lifespan of the blades allowing changes over time or between blades to be observed, quantified and diagnosed.

    ●Interaction can be observed between blades

    ●Blade twist can also be animated

  • Blade Cracking

    Observed a persistent anomaly in the frequency response of one blade compared to the other two.

    Encapsulated the magnitude of this anomaly in a metric.

    ●Successfully detected a sub 1m crack 3 weeks before detection by drone.

    ●The initial detection was preceded by an unusually high-energy event.

  • Cumulative Vibration Exposure (CVE)

    ELEVEN-I Kinetic Energy Tool can be used to quantify the “work done” by blades to provide a metric for fatigue accumulation.

    ●Identify periods of interest

    ●Compare blade to blade

    ●Compare turbine to turbine